January 19

Divergent by Veronica Roth Summary 2

Beatrice is tested to see what group she belongs to. Then, Tori, her test proctor, was shocked and told Beatrice that she’s a divergent. Bea needs to hide it from now on. Later in the Choosing Ceremony, when it’s her brother’s turn and her turn, her brother picked Erudite and she picked Dauntless. Her journey of danger and risk starts here. After she rode the train and jumped off to the training place, she experienced lots of training that includes physical pain and using weapons.


January 19

Divergent by Veronica Roth Summary!

Beatrice is tested to see what group she belongs to. Then Tori, her test proctor, was shocked and told Beatrice that she’s a divergent. Bea needs to hide it from now on. Later in the Choosing Ceremony, when it’s her brother’s turn and her turn, her brother picked Erudite and she picked Dauntless. Her journey of danger and risk starts here. After she rode the train and jumped off to the training place, she will experience lots of training that includes physical pain and using weapons like guns.

September 30

I am… Poem

I am intelligent but I want to become Albert Einstein.

I am diminutive but I want to be as towering as Jack’s beanstalk constantly growing to the giant’s castle.

I own an awesome phone but I want a superb phone which it can fly rapidly to me when I can’t find it.

I am good at tennis but I want to be outstanding at everything.

I am kind of chubby but I dream about being slenderized.

I am obsessed with video games but I want to target on education.

I am an animal lover but I kept consuming them.

I am a coward but I want to be as ferocious as a pack of leopards hunting for its food.

September 16

SLWM Paragraph Revised

SLWM pic

I think Walter Mitty in the text “Secret Life of Walter Mitty” that is written by James Thurber, is a person that always like to daydream. Base on the article “Five Surprising Facts about Daydream”, one of the topics or subtitle says, “Daydream makes you more creative.”I think Walter Mitty is more creative whenever he snap out of his daydream because in the Snoopy story, the protagonist showed Snoopy as a creative writer. Also in the article, it says, “daydream causes you to be forgetful.”That proves whenever he completes his daydream and woke up, he forgets what happened in real life. Another piece of evidence is based on the word craven in our vocabulary. The word shows his personality is very coward and fearful. Because of that, I think Walter Mitty only dreams about positive things. For all the evidence I’ve gathered, this proven that Walter Mitty likes to daydream.